As we all well know eBay has changed its policies on the selling of digitally delivered items, not only eBooks but everything else including the sale of digitally delivered photos and other similar products. But what does this mean? Are our eBooks still eBooks?
What does the word eBook make you think? To me it is a digital product for around $1-$2 which will tell me what I want to know in a certain niche, for example, how to train my unruly dog. However, due to the new rules selling these products will no longer be possible. To continue selling you must convert all of your digital products into physical products. This will usually mean putting 3-4 eBooks from the same niche or about the same subject onto one CD or DVD, which can be packaged professionally and shipped around the world. This means your products and your name are still known and you can continue to hold or even gain for the first time PowerSeller status.
Because of having to take the time to build these products I would not place them under the heading ‘eBooks’, I would use the term ‘Multimedia Information Product’ meaning they aren’t expected to sell cheaply and allowing you to charge the right amount to still make a profit.
Now most people may be wondering how to set out these products professionally to make the amount of money expected. Well, think of them as your own website on a CD you can place all the links and other products you want without breaking any rules as this is outside of eBay. Also this provides a massive opportunity to make a profit on the backend as you can promote any or all of your other products in the same niche as bonus items on your CD.
Another way to generate a higher income is to send people to your other products on a thank you page. Imagine this; you have just purchased your brand new, how to lose weight in 90 days multimedia package complete with recipes and also videos showing how to cook the meals. You are forwarded to a thank you page which reads: ‘Thanks for your purchase. While waiting for your product to be delivered why not read my free report on losing weight’. They have already bought from you meaning they believe your products will be good and now they have the added bonus of a free report. In this report you can advertise any amount of your other products. With these new products the chance to up sell and also create an income on the backend is enormous which can be a good thing even though your business will require more work to set-up. Once this is done you may find yourself having more profit coming into your account each month.